Hey! It’s April! Woo! We made it through Easter! Just barely. I don’t want to talk about it. I’ll just say, I went to the dark side (all the chocolate). LETS CHANGE THE SUBJECT.

If you noticed (which you probably didn’t), I didn’t post on Friday. You wanna know why????? BECAUSE KIDS.  And I would totally get the glass too; if I had kids. BUT I DON’T! 

I am an AUNTIE and I really LOVE it. I get to have all the fun with them and give them back to their parents when they start to melt down! LOL! My sister and nephews live in the Okanagan, so we see each other when we can. And when we do- it is like a tornado comes down into the city. Kids are not really my thing, but every time I am with my sister and the boys for a extended period of time, not only does my love for them grow, my respect for my sister doubles. Maybe triples. Three boys under 9 is no joke. It is loud, obnoxious and tiring AF. You might be wondering… “Shannon, why the fak are you talking about kids?” Well, I am not really. I want to talk about how cool women are- more specifically, MOMS (something I will never be). 

It was a go, go, go, GOOO weekend, with limited amount of me time. Our “me” time consisted of when they were all in bed around 830-9pm and by that time we were so tired we just slothed on the couch! LOL. Hence why there was no blog post on Friday.  Also during that precious time, I wanted to ask my sister a few questions about parenthood- her honest thoughts and how she does it without literally going crazy (although she would argue she thinks she is sometimes). And not the fluffy shit- the honest, real, no BS stuff.  So without further adieu, here it is.

ME: Ok, lets just get right into it: What is the best thing about being a mom?

Big Sis: The strength of the love that you feel. It’s like nothing you have ever experienced. Nothing can compare; not even romantic love. There is the joy of watching them turn into little humans. There is the pride you feel; in celebrating accomplishments with them. Even experiencing the mistakes and hiccups. Seeing them and watching as they learn and how they cope with obstacles because that is part of life too.When you see them face challenges… its heartbreaking, but incredible to watch a little person navigate hardship and come out more amazing then ever.

ME: That’s so heart melting. What is the worst thing about being a mom?

Big Sis: (She had to think and sit a bit for this one) I am sure it is different for everyone, but the exhaustion. I don’t know…and honestly, fuck this interview I am too tired.

And, if I am being honest, I am asking her these questions at 8:30 pm, while she is trying to tweak her sons stupidly annoying Grade four science project that he built.

CAN ANY MOMS RELATE? Hahahaha. Seriously though, mad respect for moms. I couldn’t do it. And that’s ok (Aunties are the shit anyways). I do want this blog to offer value, so here are my sister’s top 3 tips for making parenting easier (if you are one, or planning on becoming one).

There is a lot that goes into this one. First, from the day they are born, get them on a sleep schedule. Get them in a rhythm and early bed time. Routine is your friend. Your life will be more enjoyable when you have some quiet time after they go to bed. She strongly suggests not sleeping with your children. One, you need that independence. Two, the best gift you can give your kids is that of sleep and they will have a better sleep on their own. Lastly, mom’s (and dad’s) need adequate sleep in order to stay sane. 


Wake Up One Hour Before They Do

Start your morning off right. When you wake up before the shit storm, you can calm your mind, get organized and do your own thing before they wake up and start calling “mama, mama” every two seconds. Coffee, quiet, and depending on your type of parenting, make their lunches for the day. My sister gets up at 5:30AM, gets the coffee brewing, puts a quiet, acoustic playlist on in the background and starts making all the lunches for the day. Including her own. She gets all this ready, including herself, before the kids wake up. Then the next hour can be focused on getting the kids prepared for the day and all out of the house by 7:40 AM!

Kindness & Laughter 

My sister talks about the importance of being kind- even if people can’t hear you. She loves that Mother Teresa quote- “Love Begins At Home”, and leads her motherhood by that quote.  She’s all about creating a culture of kindness with her little people. When you talk negatively or spread unkind words it creates a negative energy that doesn’t make anyone feel nice inside. Kindness on the other hand, makes everyone feel awesome and it doesn’t cost a thing (If I were to do the mom thing, I think this would be a staple for my kids too).  She also allows time for them just to be silly. Time for them to be KIDS. Everything is so serious these days, we should let kids be little before they aren’t anymore. They really do grow up fast, and she wants their childhood memories to be fun filled with laughter. The sound of laughter from a child is really one of the sweetest sounds (definitely beats crying LOL).

So there you have it! Those are my sisters 3 tips. Are you a parent? Is there anything you swear or live by that we didn’t mention? And by the way, if you are a parent, you are awesome. And if you are an Auntie, we might have more in common! Lets go out for some tequila shots 😉






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